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Incorporate witnessing into a living testimony.
Have you ever found yourself trying to witness for the Lord, but you just don’t know what to say? Perhaps you wanted to witness, but when it came time to go, you found yourself grasping at excuses that would get you out of it. Maybe you overcame the urge to deny the Lord and went “soul winning.” Did you find yourself in a situation where it seemed like your whole body, mind and soul just “clammed up” and you didn’t know what to say? If you have ever been in a situation like this, you know that once you open your mouth and give your first words of witness for the Lord, the butterflies seem to go away.
We usually find ourselves in a situation like this when we set aside a dedicated time to go out into the world to witness for Christ; a time of going door to door, or preaching on the streets. It is the dedicated time of witnessing that works on our stomach’s like some sort of spiritual sentence to be carried out. We need a dedicated time to go out soul winning, because if we don’t, then most likely we will put it off until next time. Over and over we will “let it slide” until we forget about going at all. We are all looking for some way to be “comfortable in Zion.”
There is a way that can incorporate witnessing into our everyday life so that we won’t hide from “soul winning time.” We can incorporate witnessing into everyday life; hour by hour, minute by minute, we can be a living testimony for the Lord.
If we love the Lord; and He is in fact our master, then we should be thinking about Him all of the time. When a person loves something, they like to talk about it. When a person invites you over to their home for dinner, listen to how they speak. If they go on and on about their new Corvette, they probably are in love with that car more than anything else. If all they talk about is their children, then they are in love with their children. If you continually hear them talk about church, the bible or the Lord, then they are in love with God. People talk about what they care about and if we love the Lord, we will talk about Him to everyone, everywhere. This is our living testimony.
Every situation we find ourselves in, there is a way to witness for the Lord. We just have to find it. This is not too hard to do if we are always thinking about the Lord. When a person shows off their new Corvette to us, do we say, “Wow! the Lord Jesus Christ sure blessed you!” Or, do we think to ourselves, “Man, I sure would like to have one of these. He’s probably got a lot of money”? When a person shows us a photo from their wallet about their children, do we show them a photo of our Lord? Or, do we show them a photo of our family and say, “The Lord Jesus Christ sure blessed me with a wonderful family”?
The point is, if you are constantly thinking about your master (Biblical reference to this is: Waiting on the Lord!), words will automatically spew forth from your mouth that will witness about and for Him.
Missionaries have to use every opportunity to witness for Jesus Christ because some countries where missionaries serve, they are not allowed to openly witness or go door to door. They learn to let their lives be a living witness. Not that they just be a “good Christian” and hope others want to be Christians just because they examine them. Because they are so close to God that their lives reveal the Lord Jesus Christ. Their lives are so intertwined with God that one cannot be separated from the other.
If every Christian would just be so close to and interwoven with the Character of God, the world would be a much different place. The world would be a much more godly place. Why? Because Christians would emulate godliness in a real and visible fashion by their living testimony.
In our country we can still speak openly about God, but do we? Christians all too often keep God in their little boxes labeled “church” and do not bring Him into the world. If God was brought into the world, then the world would have a much better chance of getting saved. The Devil wins against the church because Christians do not bring God with them into every situation of their lives. Yes, we know that God being in us means that He goes every place that we go, but if He is not acknowledged, His accompaniment is useless. He is like the friend that goes with us that is never talked to and is not allowed to speak; He just tags along silently and ignored.